I took the class Scripting I in the fall of 2024 as a requirement, which helped better my skills at Unreal Engine 5, and understand making games better.
Scripting I
Third Person Game
This is not a complete game, but a showcase of functioning game features. I started making the game off of the third-person template in Unreal Engine 5. The game was built for Windows PC with keyboard and mouse controls. The Galaxy Material was made by me and I made the texture for it in Spacescape. The game features numerous mechanics such as a playable moveable character, enemies that can kill the player, such as a moving target that changes colors based on its behavior, a large rock that falls on the player and resets back to its position, and a trap that can be disabled. There are also power-ups and collectibles, and other interactable objects. The game starts at the main menu and lets the player go back to the screen. There is a save spot and the in-game quit button functions.
FPS Game
This is another showcase of game mechanics made in Unreal Engine 5. This game is in first person. The game was built off of the first-person template in Unreal Engine 5. The game was built for Windows PC with keyboard and mouse controls. Some of the mechanics in this are the UI in the game for the player’s ability, health, and stamina bar. The player’s ability is an orb that shoots out and the player can interact with it and heal, it is on a set timer for how long it can appear and a cooldown of being cast. The player can be damaged by the lava and the turrets. The turrets can be destroyed if the player does enough damage to them. There are also other destructibles such as the bench.